Edication and Training Awards for Women

Live Your Dream

Live Your Dream - a signature 'Dream' Program from Soroptimist

The Live Your Dream program provides support for women who are heads-of – households and trying to obtain additional training or education to better support their families and advance their own careers.  We provide educational awards to hep with living expenses, tuition, books and other so that they can pursue their education.  These awards are given out based on an application and competitive review and selection.  Generally, applications are due in late Fall and awardees selected in the Spring.   Awardees at the local level can also the compete for additional awards at the national level. 

The next round of applications will take place in Fall, 2023 – more details to follow.

Eligible applicants can submit their applications between August 1 and November 15, 2023, using the online application portal: bit.ly/LYDA-apply  There is a Help Guide to answer any questions as they complete the process. If someone does not have access to the internet, please have them contact one of us. 

The application deadline is November 15, 2023.

For more information about the overall program, check out the link below:
